Children who aren’t children

The bankrupt logic of pro-abortion thinking has now come out into the open, thanks to Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-California. After the recent passage of a federal fetal homicide law she complained that, “The bill covers children who aren’t children, who are a day old in the womb” (Source: USA Today, accessed online I don’t know how in the world Senator Feinstein came up with this gem. Does she really think that some children aren’t children? Such a proposition is of course ridiculous, but then again so is the pro-abortion mindset.

Children who aren’t children

The bankrupt logic of pro-abortion thinking has now come out into the open, thanks to Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-California. After the recent passage of a federal fetal homicide law she complained that, “The bill covers children who aren’t children, who are a day old in the womb” (Source: USA Today, accessed online I don’t know how in the world Senator Feinstein came up with this gem. Does she really think that some children aren’t children? Such a proposition is of course ridiculous, but then again so is the pro-abortion mindset.